Our Smarter Power portal is a place for innovation. Here we'll share our plans for the future, as well as how you can help us get ready for decarbonisation.
We'll also provide information on other topics that might affect you, along with interactive content like our Money Saving Calculator and videos to explain certain concepts.
Our job is to deliver electricity to Wellington, Porirua and the Hutt Valley. Right now, we supply:
156,000 homes
43,000 public streetlights
17,000 commercial premises
350 industrial sites
New Zealand's power system is made up of:
Want to know more?
We've made a short video that explains what we do in a bit more detail. Watch it below:
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In an emergency please phone our 24 hour Electricity Emergency Line
0800 248 148
For all other matters, please view our contact details here or call your electricity retailer.
If we're unable to resolve a complaint, you can call Utilities Disputes on 0800 22 33 40 or visit www.udl.co.nz. Please see our main contact page for more information.
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