As part of our annual Information Disclosure, we publish geospatial information relating to our zone substations.
We've provided this as a downloadable KML (.kml) file that is compatible with most GIS systems, including some consumer software such as Google Earth Pro.
Before downloading, please make sure you read our disclaimer below:
Wellington Electricity Terms of Use for Network Geographic Information
By accessing the network geographic information data (Data) on, or from, this website, you as the user (User) agree to and acknowledge the following terms of use:
1 The Data is provided on an “as is” basis. Wellington Electricity Lines Limited (Wellington Electricity):
(a) excludes all representations and warranties relating to the Data, including in relation to the completeness of and/or any inaccuracies or omissions within the Data; and
(b) shall have no liability to any User for any kind of loss, damage, cost or liability whatsoever, including for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the User’s use of or reliance on the Data, whether or not such loss or damage:
(i) was foreseeable;
(ii) arose in the normal course of things; or
(iii) Wellington Electricity was advised by the User of the possibility of the loss or damage.
2 The User waives its right to make any claim against Wellington Electricity relating to or in connection with the use of or reliance on the Data.
The Data is provided for reference purposes only. It does not include all network assets, may not be up-to-date, and may not necessarily be complete or accurate.
3 The User acknowledges and agrees not to rely upon the Data for any planning, design, construction, other works or otherwise.
If you are planning on excavating, you are responsible for establishing and confirming the location of any underground utility assets on the relevant site before you dig.
4 The User shall indemnify Wellington Electricity against all claims brought against Wellington Electricity by third parties that arise from the User’s use or reliance on the Data.
5 The User warrants and undertakes not to distribute to third parties, repurpose or commercialise this Data in any way without the express permission of Wellington Electricity. Use of the Data is strictly for personal reference only.
If you have any questions, please email
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Network geographic information 2024
Geospatial information relating to our zone substations. Part of our 2024 Information Disclosure to the Commerce Commission.
203 KB | kml
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