Our network geographic information (“data”) is provided on an “as is” basis to the fullest extent permitted by law. Wellington Electricity:
- excludes all representations and warranties relating to the data, including in relation to any inaccuracies or omissions in it; and
- excludes all liability for loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use of the data, whether or not such loss or damage was foreseeable, arose in the normal course of things, or you advised Wellington Electricity of the possibility of the loss or damage.
The data is provided for reference purposes only. It does not include all network assets, may not be up-to-date, and may not necessarily be complete or accurate.
As such, it must not be relied upon for design, construction or other works. If you are planning on excavating, you have a legal duty of care to establish the location of any underground utility assets before you dig.
You will indemnify Wellington Electricity against all claims brought against it by third parties that arise from your use of the data.
You must not re-use this data in any way without the express permission of Wellington Electricity. If you have any questions, please contact: we_CustomerService@welectricity.co.nz
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